এইচএসসির ইংরেজি দ্বিতীয় পত্র : প্রশ্ন নম্বর-১৬ (বারো পর্ব)

সুপ্রিয় ২০২১ সালের এইচএসসি পরীক্ষার্থী বন্ধুরা, শুভেচ্ছা নিয়ো। আজ তোমাদের ইংরেজি দ্বিতীয় পত্রের প্রশ্ন নম্বর-১৬ থেকে আরো ১টি Composition Writing নিয়ে আলোচনা করব। পরীক্ষায় Composition Writing-এ Digital Bangladesh আসলে তা লিখবে। কেননা এরূপ Composition Writing-এ তোমরা বেশি নম্বর পাবে।
Digital Bangladesh
‘Digital Bangladesh’ has become a very familiar term in Bangladesh now-a-days. The Prime minister of Bangladesh Sheikh Hasina declared that her government will make Bangladesh a digital Bangladesh. Digital Bangladesh means digitalising Bangladesh by ensuring an ICT based society. It means that transparency of the government should be ensured by giving people opportunity to get information from the govt. offices easily. At the same time people across the country will enjoy the facilities of using computer and internet.
Bangladesh is an independent country. It was the dream of the freedom fighters that Bangladesh will be a developed country in the country. We have many problems like poverty, illiteracy, unemployment, corruption and power crisis. These problems can not be solved without making Bangladesh digital.
If we can make Bangladesh truly digital our country will change drastically. The students of the remote villages will get the facilities of using computers at their schools. In the classrooms the students will get the opportunity to use internet and laptops. They will be acquainted with the whole world. Their horizon of knowledge will be enhanced. The students need not go to schools and colleges to collect routine or result of exam. The information of every university will be available in the internet.
The farmers of our country will be highly benefited if the country becomes digitalised. They can get information about the crops, seeds, pesticides by using internet. They can also know the condition of the market. They can know the condition of agriculture of other countries. The farmers can maintain their bank account and get loans from banks using internet.
The business and commerce of the country will be changed drastically. The banking system and transaction of money have now become a matter of clicking of the mouse. The government notices, circulations and tender notices are circulated through internet. The transparency of the govt. offices can be ensured through this digital process.
It is the priority of the present government to make Bangladesh digital by 2021. The development of the country will be accelerated through this digitalisation process. But to materialize it, the govt. should emphasise on English and computer literacy. At the same time electrification should be ensured. We hope that one day Bangladesh will become a digital Bangladesh and we will raise our head with dignity in the world.